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best indonesian - english translator

in my opinion the best indonesian-english-indonesian translator software is 

Your brain and your heart, mate.

Those are the best translation engines you can ever find.

 ok this example ...if you want to find out ...

Bahasa Indonesia

Saya sedang makan
Saya sedang makan nasi
saya sedang makan nasi bersama Ibuku
Saya makan nasi kemarin
Saya besok akan makan nasi
Saya tidak makan nasi tadi pagi
Saya makan nasi dan minum susu tadi pagi
Saya makan nasi sedangkan adik saya makan bubur
Saya sudah makan nasi tadi siang
saya makan nasi 3 kali sehari
Sebenarnya saya belum makan ketika menulis thread ini

Bing Translator

Situs: http://www.microsofttranslator.com/

I'm eating
I was eating rice
I was eating rice with my mom
I eat rice yesterday
Tomorrow will eat rice
I don't eat rice this morning
I eat rice and drink milk this morning
I eat rice while the younger me eat porridge
I've eaten rice last day
I eat rice three times a day
Actually I haven't eaten when writing this thread

Google Translator

website: http://translate.google.com/

I'm eating
I'm eating rice
I was eating rice with my mother
I ate rice yesterday
Tomorrow I'll eat rice
I do not eat rice this morning
I eat rice and drink milk this morning
I eat rice while my brother was eating porridge
I've been eating rice this afternoon
I eat rice 3 times a day
Actually I have not eaten while writing this thread

Which is the best for you??
I Think is

Both does not make sense. It's one-on-one translation.

Please note the difference in the tenses used and completely wrong.

Saya makan nasi sedangkan adik saya makan bubur
I eat rice while the younger me eat porridge (HALLOO??)
I eat rice while my brother was eating porridge. (Adik adalah younger sister/brother sedangkan brother only means saudara laki laki)
Note: kata "sedangkan" paling dekat diartikan sebagai "whereas" karena "while" padanannya adalah "ketika"

Contoh lainnya:
Saya tidak makan nasi tadi pagi. (kejadian lampau atau past tense)
I don't eat rice this morning. (past tense-nya manaaa????)
I do not eat rice this morning. (past tense-nya manaaa???)

Mohon diingat. Satu kelemahan dan juga kekuatan dari Bahasa Indonesia utk dapat dikuasai siapapun adalah tidak adanya perbedaan bentuk kata kerja untuk kejadian saat ini maupun kejadian lampau.

Saran ane, kalo emang udah kepepet banget utk nerjemahin silakan. Tp tolong diedit dulu sebelum di terbitkan atau dikirim. Biar ga malu-maluin. Ketauan bego-nya gara2x beraninya cuman pake Bing atau Google.

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