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Let know English Parliamentary Debate

1. what is an English Parliamentary Debate?
if you think it's just a debate using English as the medium, you're almost right. the thing is, this debate is conducted with style and fashion-kidding. it's conducted with a specific format that resembles a certain parliamentary. thus, it's like a simulation of what the government officials do in a way simplified manner. the aim is simple : to convince the judge that a motion should/should not be approved. also because it's a miniature of a real parliamentary debate, governmental terms also used to brand the parties involved in a debate.

2. the Format
there's so many competitive debate format out there, so i'll just introduce several of them which are widely known and used, be it in Indonesia or in the international scale.

a. Asian Parliamentary Format

(from Wikipedia) Asian debates are largely an adaptation of the Australasian format. The only difference is that each speaker is given 7 minutes of speech time and there will be points of information (POI) offered by the opposing team between the 2nd to 6th minutes of the speech. This means that the 1st and 7th minute is considered the 'protected' period where no POIs can be offered to the speaker.

The debate will commence with the Prime Minister's speech (first proposition) and will be continued by the first opposition. This alternating speech will go on until the third opposition. Following this, the opposition bench will give the reply speech.

In the reply speech, the opposition goes first and then the proposition. The debate ends when the proposition ends the reply speech. 4 minutes is allocated for the reply speech and no POI's can be offered during this time.

b. Australasian Parliamentary Format
(from Wikipedia) Australasia style debates consist of two teams who debate over an issue, more commonly called a topic or proposition. The issue, by convention, is presented in the form of an affirmative statement beginning with "That", for example, "That cats are better than dogs," or "This House", for example, "This House would establish a world government." The subject of topics varies from region to region. Most topics however, are usually region specific to facilitate interest by both the participants and their audiences.

Each team has three members, each of whom is named according to their team and speaking position within his/her team. For instance the second speaker of the affirmative team to speak is called the "Second Affirmative Speaker" or "Second Proposition Speaker", depending on the terminology used. Each of the speakers' positions is based around a specific role, the third speaker for example has the opportunity to make a rebuttal towards the opposing teams argument introducing new evidence to add to their position. The last speaker is called the "Team Advisor/Captain". Using this style, the debate is finished with a closing argument by each of the first speakers from each team and new evidence may not be introduced. Each of the six speakers (three affirmative and three negative) speak in succession to each other beginning with the Affirmative Team. The speaking order is as follows: First Affirmative, First Negative, Second Affirmative, Second Negative, Third Affirmative, and finally Third Negative.

c. World Schools Format

(from Wikipedia) World Schools Style debating (or WSS) is a combination of the British Parliamentary and Australia-Asian debating formats, designed to meet the needs of the World Schools Debating Championships tournament. Each debate comprises eight speeches delivered by two teams of three members, representing the Proposition and Opposition sides. The first six speeches are eight minutes in duration, with each team then finishing up by giving a four-minute concluding reply speech.

d. British Parliamentary Format
more-less it's just another government-opposition debate with POIs, BUT there are four separate parties involved. an Opening Government, an Opening Opposition, Closing Government and Closing Opposition. therefore the debater must pick a sharp strategy to not only prove the opponents are wrong ,but also why his/her team is better than the other team defending the same stance. the most difficult and challenging format ever, that involved political strategies-not just wit, to steal the judges attention and stand out.

3. the Motions

anything could be debated upon, seriously. starting from whether prostitution should be legalized, to international pressure upon Ghaddafi, until whether Aurors can use unforgivable curses at anytime.

4. what aspects are assessed?

there are three aspects in general, assessed qualitatively and will be converted into quantitative scale. the aspects consisted of :

a. Matter
the CONTENT of the speech, how logical and contributive it was to defend the stance of a particular team. NOT about facts, but what logic construct that facts. some people thought if they coined as much fact as they can to a debate, they will ultimately win. well this is not so true, because what matters is how will those fact contributes to strengthen the case. so in simple, it's not about one liner statements, but more on concise analysis. undebateable(unethically debatable, actually) content should not be presented in a case, such as religion statement and so on.

b. Manner
the PACKAGE of the speech, how the speaker address and respect the debate. public speaking and speech skills, also the behavior of the speakers are what considered. thus, swear words, profanity and personal offense towards anything are not tolerated at any rate

c. Method
the STRATEGY of the case, how wise the speaker using his time, how neat is his structure, how effective was the use of his POI offers and such.

one essay wont be enough to explain these three points; you have to sport it yourself to comprehend 

4. the Events (always updated!)
NATIONAL scale : 
Java Overland Varsities English Debate / JOVED. this year will be held at UGM by the end of July
Indonesia Varsities English Debate / IVED. this year was held at UNHAS
National Universities English Debating Championship/ NUEDC. this year was held at UNDIP
National Schools Debating Championship. this year was held at PPPTK Bahasa DKI Jakarta
BIND at Binus
AlSA UI e-comp at UI
Founders Trophy at UI

and many more!

International Scale
Asian Universities Debating Championship/ AUDC
World Schools Debating Championship/ WSDC
World Universities Debating Championships

and many more!

5. Indonesian English Debating Communities (always updated!)
basically most state universities has their own debating communities or known as English Debating Societies/EDS. but there's also cross affiliations societies like Indonesian Debating Forum/IDF, Jogja Debating Forum/JDF(where i belong :P), Anomali Youth Empowernment and more.

so, shall we discuss? 

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